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OMPHI - Oxford Maternal & Perinatal Health Institute


OMPHI aims to bring together some of the best experts in the world to resolve priority maternal and perinatal health problems.

It engages medical researchers, social scientists and health management experts in some of the major issues affecting the health of mothers and newborn babies, particularly in resource-poor settings.

The Institute is currently running four large, global studies. Over 100 researchers are involved in a wide range of countries, plus a small co-ordinating team based in the Nuffield Department of Women’s & Reproductive Health, University of Oxford. The studies are funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, MacArthur Foundation, EngenderHealth and the Maternal Health Task Force.

OMPHI/GFMER joint initiatives

Pre-eclampsia and eclampsia

OMPHI and GFMER started in 2010 a collaboration in the field of maternal and perinatal health eLearning, with the publication on the GFMER website of The evidence-based management of pre-eclampsia and eclampsia - University of Oxford and the Spanish version La evidencia basada en el manejo de la Preeclampsia y Eclampsia - Universidad de Oxford. The production of this course has been funded by the MacArthur Foundation through EngenderHealth, and developed by a group of healthcare professionals, led by Stephen Kennedy, José Villar and Catriona Murray (from the Nuffield Department of Women’s & Reproductive Health at the University of Oxford).

Training courses on The evidence-based management of pre-eclampsia and eclampsia - University of Oxford have been held in the following Countries:

A total of 2872 health professionals passed the test and obtained the certificate.

Pre-eclampsia and eclampsia (2022 update)

The evidence-based management of Pre-eclampsia and Eclampsia - An interactive course for health professionals (2022 update).

Postpartum haemorrhage

Subsequently, OMPHI and GFMER have developed a second online training course on The evidence-based management of Postpartum Haemorrhage. The course has been sponsored by the Maternal Health Task Force at the Harvard School of Public Health and the funding has been provided by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. The Russian version of the course Основанная на доказательствах тактика ведения при послеродовых кровотечениях was adapted by Dr Valentina Rumyantseva with the support of the Research Center for Obstetrics, Gynaecology and Perinatology of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation. A Spanish version by Dr Atziri Ramirez-Negrin, reviewed by Dr Sunera Sadacali, is also available: El manejo basado en la evidencia de la Hemorragia Postparto.

Training courses on The evidence-based management of Postpartum Haemorrhage have been held in the following Countries:

As of April 2023, a total of 3052 health professionals passed the test and obtained the certificate.

Maternal infections

The Maternal Health Task Force (MHTF), OMPHI, GFMER and The Global Health Network (TGHN) have developed a third e-learning module on maternal infections: Maternal Infections e-Learning Course.

As of April 2023, a total of 2040 health professionals passed the test and obtained the certificate.

Obstetric fistula

Obstetric Fistula e-Learning Course is the fourth e-learning module developed by GFMER, OMPHI, MHTF and TGHN.

As of April 2023, a total of 1493 health professionals passed the test and obtained the certificate.

A French version is also available: Fistules obstétricales - Cours en ligne.


In January 2014 a meeting has been organized by the Maternal Health Taskforce of Harvard School of Public Health to discuss the coordination of efforts and activities of the Maternal Health Taskforce of Harvard School of Public Health, the Oxford Maternal and Perinatal Health Institute (OMPHI) and the Geneva Foundation for Medical Education and Research (see Harvard, Oxford and GFMER Collaboration - Karim Abawi, January 2014).

The Geneva Foundation for Medical Education and Research has been designated as one of the principal partners for the dissemination and implementation of the INTERGROWTH-21st Project at a global level through its international network of health professionals and partner institutions (see INTERGROWTH-21st - Sandy Savini).

An INTERGROWTH-21st course on maternal, fetal and newborn growth monitoring has been developed in collaboration with OMPHI, the Maternal Health Task Force and The Global Health Network:

As of April 2023, a total of 7996 health professionals passed the test and obtained the certificate.


An INTERPRACTICE-21st course on preterm infant feeding and growth monitoring has been developed in collaboration with OMPHI, the Maternal Health Task Force and The Global Health Network:

The Russian version of the course INTERPRACTICE-21st - Внедрение постнатальных стандартов роста для недоношенных детей INTERGROWTH-21st was adapted by Dr Valentina Rumyantseva with the support of the Research Center for Obstetrics, Gynaecology and Perinatology of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation.

The Spanish version of the course INTERPRACTICE-21st - Alimentación en prematuros y monitorización del crecimiento: implementación del protocolo INTERGROWTH-21st, curso interactivo on-line was adapted by Dr Gabriela Píriz and Dr Ana Monza.

The Portuguese version of the course INTERPRACTICE-21st - Práticas alimentares e monitoramento do crescimento de pré-termos: implementação do protocolo INTERGROWTH-21st, curso interativo de aprendizagem was adapted by Dr Alessandra Diehl, Prof Jorge Pablo Sorlino, Dr Maria Albertina S. Rego and Dr Fernando Barros.

The Italian version of the course INTERPRACTICE-21st - Nutrizione e monitoraggio della crescita del neonato pretermine: implementazione del protocollo INTERGROWTH-21st, corso interattivo was adapted by Dr Francesca Giuliani.

As of April 2023, a total of 4252 health professionals passed the test and obtained the certificate.

Training courses on Assessing Newborn Growth by Anthropometry and Preterm Infant Feeding and Growth Monitoring have been held in the following sites:

Monitoring of the implementation of the INTERGROWTH-21st Postnatal Growth Standards for Preterm Infants : Take the Survey.


An e-learning course on COVID-19 in pregnancy, delivery and the neonatal period has been developed in collaboration with OMPHI and The Global Health Network. The development of the course is funded by the Covid-19 Research Response Fund from the University of Oxford (Ref 0009083).

As of April 2023, a total of 1023 health professionals passed the test and obtained the certificate.

Research methodology, research protocol development and scientific writing

Training course in research methodology, research protocol development and scientific writing 2023, organized by GFMER in collaboration with the WHO Department of Sexual and Reproductive Health & Research and OMPHI.

Training course in research methodology, research protocol development and scientific writing 2024, organized by GFMER in collaboration with the WHO Department of Sexual and Reproductive Health & Research and OMPHI.

E-learning modules: statistics

See E-learning modules - Statistics.
