Embryology, Assisted Reproduction, Fertility Laboratory
Embryologie, Reproduction Assistée, Laboratoire de Fertilité
Embriología, Reproducción Asistida, Laboratorio de Fertilidad
Marie-Noël Bruné Rossel
Cell Biologist, Embryologist
Geneva Foundation for Medical Education and Research
- Algunos análisis característicos y Determinación de la Prevalencia de la Mutación de Leiden (FVQ 506) en el Factor V de la Coagulación en la Población Uruguaya - M.N. Bruné Rossel, 2001
- Adaptive thermoregulation in different species of animals - M.N. Bruné Rossel, 2002
- Apoptosis during preimplantation embryo development - M.N. Bruné Rossel, 2003
- Behavioural control of milk letdown - M.N. Bruné Rossel, 2002
- ¿Es posible obtener del estudio de semen mejores predictores de fertilidad? - J.M. Montes, L. Cantú, M.E. Cánepa, J. Alciaturi, M.J. Machado, M.N. Bruné, 2002
- Ethical, religious and scientific reasons for and against current and emerging reproductive technologies - M.N. Bruné Rossel, 2002
- Fetal origins of adult diseases (HTM file) - M.N. Bruné Rossel, 2006
- Red internacional de formación e investigación en técnicas de reproducción asistida (TRA) - M.N. Bruné Rossel, H. Lucas, 2004
- Social, ethics, religion and science in reproductive technologies - M.N. Bruné Rossel, 2002
- Sperm separation procedures in human ART - Safety and efficiency - M.N. Bruné Rossel, 2003
- Visual evaluation of early (~ 4-cell) mammalian embryos. How well does it predict subsequent viability? - M.N. Bruné Rossel, 2003
Publications and other presentations
- The arachnological collection of the Entomology Section of the Facultad de Ciencias, Montevideo, Uruguay. Authors: Verónica Vázquez, Marie-Noël Bruné, Gonzalo Useta. Poster presentation in the IV Uruguayan Zoology Update Course, September 23rd to 27th 1996.
- Communal webs of Anelosimos studiosus (Theridiidae). Authors: Carmen Viera, Marie-Noël Bruné. Oral presentation in to the First Meeting of Arachnologists of South America – December 1st to 5th 1997.
- Precoded Pelviscopy Dossier – design of a precoded dossier for endoscopic pelviscopy surgeries of current use in gynaecological endoscopical clinics – Authors: Prof. Dr. Raúl Medina, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Juan Carlos Scasso, Assit, Prof. Dr. Bremen De Mucio, Assist, Prof. Dr. Hugo Godoy and Marie-Noël Bruné.
- Genetic predisposition to thromboembolism – Authors: Carlos Sanguinetti, Juan Carlos Cazeres, Marie-Noël Bruné, Humberto Lima and Carlos Azambuja. – Published in “Tendencias en Medicina”, Nº15, September 1999, pages 138 – 143.
- Predictive Medicine: Study of the Mutations of Leiden and Prothrombin – Conference (Conferencist: C. Azambuja) - Authors: Juan Carlos Cazeres, Carlos Sanguinetti, Humberto Lima, Marie-Noël Bruné and Carlos J. Azambuja. – Presented in II Uruguayan Congress of Clinical Biochemistry – September 23rd to 25th 1999 - p. 38 – 39
- Presentation of the paper: Prevalence of Leiden´s factor V in a population of Uruguayan blood donors – Authors: Cázeres J.C., Sanguinetti C., Lima H., Bruné M.N., Azambuja C. Winner of the Roche Award of the Congress:I Panamerican Meeting of Clinical Laboratory Technicians, II Uruguayan Congress of Clinical Laboratory Technicians, October 8th to 10th 1999.
- Genetic Predisposition to thromboembolism. Analysis of FV:Q506 (Leiden) mutation of the gene that codes for factor V and of 20210 mutation of the gene that codes for factor II of human coagulation – Authors: Carlos Sanguinetti, Juan Carlos Cazeres, Marie-Noël Bruné, Humberto Lima and Carlos Azambuja. – Presented in the IX Update Course of the Uruguayan Society of Biosciences – May 4th to 7th 2000.
- Introduction to the Endoscopic Gynaecological Surgery – CD ROM – Author: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Juan Carlos Scasso. Co authors: Dr. Juan Alves, Assist. Prof. Dr. Víctor Machin, Assist. Prof. Dr. Hugo Godoy, Alejandro Yemurenko, Santiago Scasso, Fernando da Rosa and Marie-Noël Bruné. 2001.
- Introduction to the Endoscopic Gynaecological Surgery – Book – Author: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Juan Carlos Scasso. Co authors: Dr. Juan Alves, Assist. Prof. Dr. Víctor Machin, Assist. Prof. Dr. Hugo Godoy, Alejandro Yemurenko, Santiago Scasso, Fernando da Rosa and Marie-Noël Bruné. 2001. Winner of the Award of the National Academy of Medicine for Best Publication of the year 2000.
- Study and treatment of Sterility in a Couple – Information booklet – Co-author. Author: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Juan Carlos Scasso. 2002. Montevideo Sterility Center.
- Is it possible to obtain better fertility predictors from semen tests? – Authors: J.M. Montes; L. Cantú; M.E. Cánepa; J. Alciaturi; M.J. Machado; M.N. Brune. November 2002. FERTILAB – Human Reproduction Laboratory- Montevideo – Uruguay. Presented in the VII Congress of the Latinoamerican Federation of Fertility and Sterility Societies (FLASEF). November 18th to 21st 2002. Winner of the FLASEF Congress Award for best article in clinical reproduction studies.
- Experience of Assisted Hatching in the Montevideo Sterility Center – Authors: J.M. Montes; L. Cantú; M.N. Brune. Presented in the VII Congress of the Latinoamerican Federation of Fertility and Sterility Societies (FLASEF). November 18th to 21st 2002.
- Master thesis: Visual Evaluation of Early (4-cell) Mammalian Embryos – How well does it Predict Subsequent Viability? - August 2003