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GFMER Members - Course participants

Beena Joshi

Beena Joshi

Department of Operations Research, National Institute for Research in Reproductive Health, Mumbai, India
Participant to the Training Course in Reproductive Health Research - Geneva 2008

I am Dr. Beena Joshi. I am a clinician and work in the area of public health specifically on reproductive and sexual health for the past 14 years. Currently I am working as a researcher in the capacity of Scientist –C at the Department of Operations Research, National Institute for Research in Reproductive Health based in Mumbai India, which is one of the premier institutes of Indian Council of Medical Research. My areas of interest are Adolescent Reproductive Health and RTI/STI including HIV.


Opening ceremony 2008 Opening ceremony 2008

Geneva Course 2008 Beena Joshi Beena Joshi

Beena Joshi Beena Joshi Beena Joshi

Beena Joshi Beena Joshi Beena Joshi Beena Joshi


The evidence-based management of pre-eclampsia and eclampsia - University of Oxford
