Module 6
Qualitative study design
Training course in research methodology and research protocol development 2022
October 26, 2022 - Geneva
Part 1
Read the abstract and method sections of the qualitative studies below.
Answer the following questions: For both studies,
1. What were the study aims?
2. Identify the sampling techniques. What is the similarity (if any) in the techniques?
3. Compare the techniques used for data collection.
4. Which methodological approaches did the authors use?
Part 2
It is highly recommended that you continue to draft your research protocol. Reflect over your research topic, question and study design, revise if necessary and submit to your coach for review and feedback.
- If your study design is quantitative, prepare the methodology of your protocol according to the following guideline:
- Study goals (aims) and objectives
- General objective
- Specific objectives
- Research question / hypothesis
- Study design
- Specify the study design
- Study variables
- Exposure and outcome variable
- Other predictor variables/confounder variables
- For each variable of interest, give sources of data and details of methods of assessment /measurement. Describe comparability of assessment methods if there is more than one group
- Study setting
- The setting/ locations
- Source of data if secondary data will be used
- Relevant dates - periods of recruitment, exposure, follow-up, and data collection
- Study population
- Target population/Study population
- The sources and methods of selection of participants
- Eligibility criteria
- Sampling
- Sampling technique
- Sample size
- Procedure for data collection
- Data collection methods
- Pilot testing (if applicable)
- Study goals (aims) and objectives