Assignments / Best assignments
Module 1
Lessons learned and experiences gained in improving the SRH of adolescents in the 25 years since the ICPD
Venkatraman Chandra-Mouli
Training course in adolescent sexual and reproductive health 2020
October 12, 2020 - Geneva
- Go over the slide set and talking points titled: JAH Supplement - ICPD plus 25 – Introduction (Watch the video)
- Go over the journal paper titled: Liang M et al. The State of Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health. Journal of Adolescent Health. 2019 Dec 2020;65(6):S3–S15.
- Watch the video presentation. If you prefer or if you are unable to watch the video presentation, go over the slide set.
- Go over the journal paper titled: Chandra-Mouli V et al. The Political, Research, Programmatic, and Social Responses to Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights in the 25 Years Since the International Conference on Population and Development. Journal of Adolescent Health. 2019 Dec;65(6):S16–S40.
- Watch the video presentation. If you prefer or if you are unable to watch the video presentation, go over the slide set.
- Expert commentary - Jane Ferguson: Watch the video presentation
- Submit your paperwork assignment. You will find the assignment for this week’s module at this link: