Research methodology and research protocol development / Course files
Introduction to qualitative research
Khalifa Elmusharaf
Training course in research methodology and research protocol development 2019
December 16, 2019 - Geneva
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Elmusharaf K. Introduction to qualitative research. Paper presented at: Training course in research methodology and research protocol development; 2019 Dec 16; Geneva.
- Go over the presentation: Introduction to qualitative research - Khalifa Elmusharaf (University of Limerick, Ireland).
- Go over the presentation: Qualitative sampling techniques - Khalifa Elmusharaf.
- Go over the presentation: Qualitative data collection techniques - Khalifa Elmusharaf.
- Go over the presentation: Qualitative research approaches - Khalifa Elmusharaf.
- Study section 4.9 ‘Planning qualitative research’ on pages 55 to 57 of the document: Fathalla MF, Fathalla MM. A practical guide for health researchers (WHO Regional Publications, Eastern Mediterranean. Series 30). WHO; 2004.
Relevant online resources
- Mack N, Woodsong C, MacQueen KM, Guest G, Namey E. Qualitative research methods: a data collector's field guide. Family Health International. 2005.
- Online QDA
- TQR Qualitative Research Resources
Reference document
1. Examine the qualitative studies below.
What are the similarities and differences between the two studies with respect to;
1.1. the research approaches?
1.2. the sampling techniques?
1.3. the data collection methods?
2. Supposing you were to conduct a qualitative research for your chosen topic,
2.1. Would you modify your topic/ research question? If yes, how?
2.2. What would be your sampling technique?
2.3. Which data collection method (s) would you use?