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Wijnanda van Burg-Verhage

Klinik Kalvari Wamena, Papua, Indonesia

Wijnanda van Burg-Verhage

Wijnanda van Burg-Verhage, MD Specialized in Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
Medical Doctor, Klinik Kalvari Wamena, Papua, Indonesia

Dr Wijnanda van Burg-Verhage is born on the 9th April 1983 in The Netherlands. She graduated from Erasmus Universiteit of Rotterdam in The Netherlands in 2008 with a ‘doctoraal’ in Medicine, which is equal to a Master’s Degree in Medicine. She additionally started the training for tropical medicine and did residencies in Pediatrics (Rijnstate Ziekenhuis, Arnhem, The Netherlands), Surgery and Obstetrics/Gynecology (Albert Schweitzerziekenhuis, Dordrecht, The Netherlands). To complete this training, she participated in the Netherlands Course in Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (Royal Tropical Institute, Amsterdam, The Netherlands). She finished this training in 2011. In the meantime she studied theology and obtained a bachelor degree in 2008. After finishing this training, she continued working in OB/Gyn and worked in an elderly home.

Since 2014 Wijnanda lives in Wamena, Papua, Indonesia. She planned to work in Klinik Kalvari, a small HIV/TB clinic. Unfortunately, she didn’t get a work permit till now, so, she cannot work legally. But she is able to train people and advise them in treating patients for a few hours a week.


  • SJ Swart, JAC Rietjens, T Brinkkemper, L van Zuylen, W van Burg-Verhage, WWA Zuurmond, MW Ribbe, MH Blanker, RSGM Perez, A van der Heide, (2011), ‘De praktijk van palliatieve sedatie na introductie van de KNMG-richtlijn’ (The practice of palliative continuous sedation after introduction of a national guideline), Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde.
