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Teklu Lemessa

College of Health Sciences, Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia

Teklu Lemessa

Teklu Lemessa, BSc, MPH in Health Services Management
Monitoring and Evaluation Officer and Community Based Training and Research Coordinator of MEPI Project, College of Health Sciences, Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia

Teklu Lemessa Tiksie is born in 1983. In 2005, he graduated from Hawassa University, Ethiopia with BSc. in Health Officer. In 2010, he earned his MPH in specialty of Health Services Management, from Jimma University, Ethiopia. Since 2005 he has been working in the health system both with in governmental HSOs and INGOs. He worked, for 3 years, as clinical officer. He had served as lecturer in Jimma University College of Health Sciences. Moreover he worked with a position of M&E Officer at CU-ICAP Ethiopia. Currently he is M&E officer and Community Based Training & Research Coordinator of MEPI project at AAU, College of Health Sciences.


  • Mamo T, Yifter H, Lemessa T. Risk factors assessment of diabetic foot ulcer using the sixty seconds screening tool: a hospital based cross-sectional study at Tikur Anbessa specialized hospital. Ethiop Med J. 2015 Jul;Suppl 2:45-9.
  • Worku T, Tadesse Y, Hughes P, Lemessa T. Patterns of complications seen in patients with hypertension admitted to Tikur Anbessa hospital: a retrospective analysis. Ethiop Med J. 2015 Jul;Suppl 2:51-6.
