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Merian Abdirkadir Mohamed

Expanded Immunization Program, Borena Zone, Oromia, Ethiopia

Merian Abdirkadir Mohamed

Merian Abdirkadir Mohamed, BSc, MPHN
Coordinator, Expanded Immunization Program, Borena Zone, Oromia, Ethiopia

Merian Abdirkadir Mohamed is born on the 3th December, 1985. She graduated from University of Jimma, Ethiopia in 2009 with Bachelor of Public Health and obtained Diploma and Masters Degree in Public Health Nutrition from Debremarkos University in 2016. She held the position of Zonal Expanded program Coordinator (EPI) Ethiopia, Oromia Region, Borena Zone (July 2009- till now). Currently she is the Zonal Expanded program Coordinator (EPI), Ethiopia, Oromia Region, Borena Zone.

She maintains and monitors daily, weekly and monthly vaccine and cold chain status and overall coaching of the program from zonal level up to health post level, and supports post graduate students in research aspect. She is widely travelled and single.

During her undergraduate course, she was actively involved in different capacity building and survey programs with different partners and technical support of health workers.
