Julius Opio

Health Link South Sudan Hospital, Juba

Julius Opio

Julius Opio, Diploma in Clinical Medicine and Community Health
Medical Clinical Officer in charge and Mentor, Health Link South Sudan Hospital

I was born on the 1st of September 1990 from Uganda where I had all my studies. I graduated from Gulu school of Clinical Officers with Diploma in Clinical Medicine and Diploma in Community Health. I also received training and a certificate in Integrated Management of Childhood Illnesses and undertook a practicum on Health Services Management from Lalogi Health Centre IV. I also had several internship terms from Gulu Regional Referral Hospital, Mbale Regional Referral Hospital and Aturtur General Hospital. I have worked in fragile Emergency Insecure Settings in South Sudan as a clinical officer in the cholera response program supervising several ORPs and one CTPs in Eastern Equatorial State, South Sudan. I am currently working as a medical Clinical Officer in charge, mentor and Focal person for HIV/TB services in Health Link Hospital, Lakes State, South Sudan. During my field career, I have received several trainings including PMTCT, HIV/AIDS care and service provision, TB management, Basic and Comprehensive Emergency Obstetric Maternal and Neonatal Care (BeMONC & CeMONC), Integrated Community Case Management (ICCM), Communication for Development (C4D), WHO mhGAP training, Cholera Epidemic Preparedness and Management, Sexual Gender Based Management and Case Management of Rape survivors. I have also conducted several trainings for health care providers and community health workers on cholera, HIV/AIDS, TB, PMTCT, ICCM and C4D. I have conducted several community reproductive health advocacy sessions/meetings with several target groups and currently facilitating weekly radio talk show programs with Minkaman FM on reproductive health talks and sexually transmitted diseases.
