Gudon Adem Abdi

Hargeisa Group Hospital, Somaliland

Gudon Adem Abdi

Gudon Adem Abdi, MBBS
Medical Practitioner, Obstetrics and Neonatology Department, Hargeisa Group Hospital, Somaliland
Société coopérative médicale de Beaulieu scholarship

I obtained a certificate in leadership and professionalism skills from King’s College London with Somaliland partnership. I graduated from Hargeisa University with a Bachelor of medicine, Bachelor of surgery (M.B.B.S). I work in public hospital which mostly provides services to the most vulnerable and the poorest people in country. I work as a facilitator in prevention mother to child transmission (PMTCT) of HIV training and clinical supervisor for medical students from Hargeisa University. Besides, I voluntarily give awareness and advice to mother through the media TV show called “Ask your doctor” on private Television stations and the national radio programs on reproductive health and child health.

I was medical coordinator on Medicine Africa website, to find a solution that seeks to improve global health by connecting healthcare workers with each other and with institutions, as part of a dynamic and interactive global health system; I was also a mental health representative and co-tutor with oversee doctors form King’s College London in Somaliland.
