Askal Demssie

L10K (Last Ten Kilometers) Project, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia

Askal Demssie

Askal Demssie, Clinical Nursing, BSc in Public Health, MPH
Regional Family Planning Specialist, JSI Research and Training Institute Inc./The Last Ten KM Project, Amhara Regional Office, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia

I am graduated in clinical Nursing from Gondar Medical Science college, Ethiopia in 1998 and Bachelor of Science in public Health in 1999 and obtained Master of public Health from University of Gondar, Ethiopia in 2012. I am certified on various clinical trainings.

I have served for over 15 year as a public health professional, worked both in Governmental and Non-Governmental Organization as public health professional. Currently I am working for JSI Research & Training Institute Inc./The Last Ten KM project as Regional Family Planning Specialist to improve quality of, and increase demand for community based distribution of contraceptives integrated with other RMNCH  services.
