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Abebaw Wasie

Wolkite University, Ethiopia

Abebaw Wasie

Abebaw Wasie, BSc in Public Health, MPH
Lecturer, Wolkite University, Ethiopia

I had joined Wollega University since 2008 and awarded bachelor of degree in public health with great distinction since 2012 and employed at Wolkite University as a graduate assistant lecturer. During this period, I used to teach junior public health students on introduction to reproductive health, demography and family planning courses. After one-year service I had got a scholarship at University of Gondar, Institute of public health and joined department of reproductive and child health. At university of Gondar I had got opportunities to join senior public health specialists during lecture, seminar presentations, advisory role and research defenses for different batches of the department and I have got good insight on major reproductive health problems and research gaps in developing countries on matters of reproductive health. My thesis work on adolescent sexual behavior further enables me to take a look in advance on all matters of youth reproductive health and research approaches in this age group. After two solid years stay at University of Gondar I had awarded master of public health in reproductive and child health since 2015. Then I come back to Wolkite University and employed as lecturer at college medicine and health sciences, department of public health. Currently I am engaged in teaching reproductive health courses, population and development for clinical nursing, midwifery, public health and clinical medicine students, further more I am engaged in two research projects.
