Maternal and perinatal health - Course files
The role of primary care in enhancing sexual and reproductive health
Laura Guarenti
From Research to Practice: Training Course in Sexual and Reproductive Health Research 2011
May 30, 2011 - Geneva
Download the complete document
Guarenti L. The role of primary care in enhancing sexual and reproductive health. Paper presented at: Training Course in Sexual and Reproductive Health Research; 2011 May 30; Geneva. Available from: also The role of primary care in enhancing sexual and reproductive health - Laura Guarenti (presentation with audio)
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Design your country profile of the Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) services available at PC level.
Different aspects can be taken in consideration:
- Where they are located, how the services are offered
- Who are the human resources who provide the SRH services
- The competencies the staff (team) have to provide the SRH services
- Which SRH services are NOT provided at PC level?
- Are specific groups of people not allowed to access SRH services (e.g., adolescents, single women, etc.)?
- Which are the barriers to access SRH services in your country?
Assignments presented by the participants