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GFMER-EMRO training course in child and adolescent health in humanitarian settings 2024: Webinar 2

Raqibat Idris - GFMER Course Coordinator


GFMER-EMRO training course in child and adolescent health in humanitarian settings 2024: Webinar 2 - Raqibat Idris

Webinar 2 of the 2024 blended online Training course in child and adolescent health in humanitarian settings organized by the Geneva Foundation for Medical Education and Research (GFMER) and the World Health Organization Regional Office for Eastern Mediterranean (EMRO) was held on Wednesday 28 February 2024. The Purpose of the webinar was to share country’s experience from the outcome of participants’ group work on Module 3 of the course: Respond - how to plan and carry out a coordinated set of activities to deal with the identified child and adolescent health priorities. Participants undertook the group work over two weeks under their respective coaches which provided them to the opportunity to learn about and understand their country situations and work as a team. The webinar was held in two sessions with a short break in between. The first session recorded a peak attendance of 86 and the second session, 73. The course coordinator from WHO EMRO, Dr Khalid Siddeeg gave an opening remark. Ms Kim Beentjes also of WHO EMRO and few members of the course advisory group were also present in the webinar.

Training course in child and adolescent health in humanitarian settings 2024

Webinar 2, country’s experience - success stories