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Kalayu Birhane Mruts

Debre Berhan University, Ethiopia

Kalayu Birhane Mruts

Kalayu Birhane Mruts, MPH in Reproductive and Family Health
Lecturer, Debre Berhan University, College of Health Science, Public Health Department, Ethiopia
Société coopérative médicale de Beaulieu scholarship

I am Kalayu Birhane Mruts. I have graduated BSc degree in Public Health from Mekelle University since 2007 and later Master of Public Health in Reproductive and Family Health from Addis Ababa University since 2014. I have started my professional career working in Health Center. While working in Health Center, I was serving as Director of Health Center for about two years. Here, in my stay, I was working in Maternal and Child Health and Nutrition (MCHN), training and supervising the health extension workers, planning and evaluating the annual plan of the Health center and presentation of the performance report during annual woreda evaluation and review meetings.

Later on, I have joined to Debre Birhan University working in teaching different Public Health courses, conducting community service and Research activities, participating in different clubs and committees. I was also participated in different assessment surveys organized by NGO and governmental organizations.


  • Birhane K, Hagos S, Fantahun M. Early discontinuation of implanon and its associated factors among women who ever used implanon in Ofla District , Tigray. Int J Pharmactical Sci Res. 2015;6(3):544-551.
  • Zg W, Hg Y, Kb M, Ha G, Te W. Assessment of Adolescents ’ Under Nutrition Level among School Students in Eastern Tigray, Ethiopia: A Cross-Sectional Study. J Nutr Food Sci. 2015;5(5). doi:10.4172/2155-9600.1000402.
