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List of publications of the Geneva training course participants

Training Course in Reproductive Medicine and Reproductive Biology Research - 1998

Geneva Training Course in Reproductive Medicine and Reproductive Biology Research - 1998

Abalos Edgardo, Argentina - Bomfim-Hyppólito Silvia, Brazil - Maitra Nandita, India
Prasmusinto Damar, Indonesia - Rrumbullaku Llukan, Albania - Vázquez Niebla Juan Carlos, Cuba


Abalos Edgardo, Argentina

Centro Rosarino de Estudios Perinatales - Argentina

WHO | Edgardo Abalos

Presentation at the training course: Review of two rapid screening tests for asymptomatic bacteriuria during pregnancy


  1. Mignini L, Carroli G, Abalos E, Widmer M, Amigot S, Nardin JM, Giordano D, Merialdi M, Arciero G, Del Carmen Hourquescos M. Accuracy of diagnostic tests to detect asymptomatic bacteriuria during pregnancy. Obstet Gynecol. 2009 Feb;113(2 Pt 1):346-52.
  2. Carroli G, Cuesta C, Abalos E, Gulmezoglu AM. Epidemiology of postpartum haemorrhage: a systematic review. Best Pract Res Clin Obstet Gynaecol. 2008 Dec;22(6):999-1012.
  3. The CORONIS Trial. International study of caesarean section surgical techniques: a randomised fractional, factorial trial. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth [Internet]. 2007 [cited 2009 Mar 28];724. Available from: http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2393/7/24
  4. Abalos E, Duley L, Steyn DW, Henderson-Smart DJ. Antihypertensive drug therapy for mild to moderate hypertension during pregnancy. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2007;(1):CD002252.
  5. Treweek S, McCormack K, Abalos E, Campbell M, Ramsay C, Zwarenstein M. The Trial Protocol Tool: The PRACTIHC software tool that supported the writing of protocols for pragmatic randomized controlled trials. J Clin Epidemiol. 2006 Nov;59(11):1127-33.
  6. Villar J, Carroli G, Wojdyla D, Abalos E, Giordano D, Ba'aqeel H, Farnot U, Bergsjø P, Bakketeig L, Lumbiganon P, Campodónico L, Al-Mazrou Y, Lindheimer M, Kramer M. Preeclampsia, gestational hypertension and intrauterine growth restriction, related or independent conditions? Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2006 Apr;194(4):921-31.
  7. Duley L, Hofmeyr J, Carroli G, Lumbiganon P, Abalos E. Perinatal research in developing countries--is it possible? Semin Fetal Neonatal Med. 2006 Apr;11(2):89-96.
  8. Duley L, Meher S, Abalos E. Management of pre-eclampsia. BMJ [Internet]. 2006 Feb 25 [cited 2009 Mar 27];332(7539):463-8. Available from: http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?tool=pubmed&pubmedid=16497761
  9. Abalos E, Carroli G, Mackey ME. The tools and techniques of evidence-based medicine. Best Pract Res Clin Obstet Gynaecol. 2005 Feb;19(1):15-26.
  10. Quijano CE, Abalos E. Conservative management of symptomatic and/or complicated haemorrhoids in pregnancy and the puerperium. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2005;(3):CD004077.
  11. Meher S, Abalos E, Carroli G. Bed rest with or without hospitalisation for hypertension during pregnancy. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2005;(4):CD003514.
  12. Villar J, Abalos E, Nardin JM, Merialdi M, Carroli G. Strategies to prevent and treat preeclampsia: evidence from randomized controlled trials. Semin Nephrol. 2004 Nov;24(6):607-15.
  13. Villar J, Abalos E, Carroli G, Giordano D, Wojdyla D, Piaggio G, Campodonico L, Gülmezoglu M, Lumbiganon P, Bergsjø P, Ba'aqeel H, Farnot U, Bakketeig L, Al-Mazrou Y, Kramer M. Heterogeneity of perinatal outcomes in the preterm delivery syndrome. Obstet Gynecol. 2004 Jul;104(1):78-87.
  14. Villar J, Merialdi M, Gülmezoglu AM, Abalos E, Carroli G, Kulier R, de Onis M. Nutritional interventions during pregnancy for the prevention or treatment of maternal morbidity and preterm delivery: an overview of randomized controlled trials. J Nutr [Internet]. 2003 May [cited 2009 Mar 27];133(5 Suppl 2):1606S-1625S. Available from: http://jn.nutrition.org/cgi/content/full/133/5/1606S
  15. Villar J, Merialdi M, Gülmezoglu AM, Abalos E, Carroli G, Kulier R, de Onis M. Characteristics of randomized controlled trials included in systematic reviews of nutritional interventions reporting maternal morbidity, mortality, preterm delivery, intrauterine growth restriction and small for gestational age and birth weight outcomes. J Nutr [Internet]. 2003 May [cited 2009 Mar 27];133(5 Suppl 2):1632S-1639S. Available from: http://jn.nutrition.org/cgi/content/full/133/5/1632S
  16. Merialdi M, Carroli G, Villar J, Abalos E, Gülmezoglu AM, Kulier R, de Onis M. Nutritional interventions during pregnancy for the prevention or treatment of impaired fetal growth: an overview of randomized controlled trials. J Nutr [Internet]. 2003 May [cited 2009 Mar 27];133(5 Suppl 2):1626S-1631S. Available from: http://jn.nutrition.org/cgi/content/full/133/5/1626S
  17. Borghi J, Fox-Rushby J, Bergel E, Abalos E, Hutton G, Carroli G. The cost-effectiveness of routine versus restrictive episiotomy in Argentina. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2002 Feb;186(2):221-8.
  18. Abalos E, Duley L, Steyn DW, Henderson-Smart DJ. Antihypertensive drug therapy for mild to moderate hypertension during pregnancy. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2001;(2):CD002252.


Bomfim-Hyppólito Silvia, Brazil

Departamento de Saúde Materno Infantil da Faculdade de Medicina - Universidade Federal do Ceará, Brazil

Presentation at the training course: Cytology as a cervical screening test: how effective is it?


  1. Bomfim-Hyppólito S, Franco ES, Franco RGDMM, de Albuquerque CM, Nunes GC. Cervicography as an adjunctive test to visual inspection with acetic acid in cervical cancer detection screening. Int J Gynaecol Obstet. 2006 Jan;92(1):58-63.
  2. Bomfim-Hyppólito S. Influence of the position of the mother at delivery over some maternal and neonatal outcomes. Int J Gynaecol Obstet. 1998 Dec;63 Suppl 1S67-73.


Maitra Nandita, India

Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Medical College, Surat (India) - Prof. Nandita Maitra

Presentation at the training course: Cochrane systematic review. Comparison of acceptability of low dose oral contraceptives containing levonorgestrel, norethindrone, desogestrel, gestodene and norgestimate (literature search and protocol)


  1. Maitra N, Christian V, Kavishvar A. Tocolytic efficacy of nifedipine versus ritodrine in preterm labor. Int J Gynaecol Obstet. 2007 May;97(2):147-8.
  2. Maitra N, Gupta M. Seroprevalence and correlates of herpes simplex virus type-2 infection in a general gynecology clinic. Arch Gynecol Obstet. 2007 Jan;275(1):19-23.
  3. Helmerhorst FM, Belfield T, Kulier R, Maitra N, O'Brien P, Grimes DA. The Cochrane Fertility Regulation Group: synthesizing the best evidence about family planning. Contraception. 2006 Oct;74(4):280-6.
  4. Maitra N, Kavishvar A, Dinkar A, Desai V. Antenatal HIV testing. J Obstet Gynecol India [Internet]. 2006 Feb [cited 2009 Mar 28];56(1):56-8. Available from: http://medind.nic.in/jaq/t06/i1/jaqt06i1p56.pdf
  5. Kulier R, Helmerhorst F, Maitra N, Gülmezoglu AM. Effectiveness and acceptability of progestogens in combined oral contraceptives - a systematic review. Reprod Health [Internet]. 2004 Jun 3 [cited 2009 Mar 27];1(1):1. Available from: http://www.reproductive-health-journal.com/content/1/1/1
  6. Maitra N, Kulier R, Bloemenkamp KWM, Helmerhorst FM, Gülmezoglu AM. Progestogens in combined oral contraceptives for contraception. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2004;(3):CD004861.
  7. Maitra N, Simpson P, Waters J, Davison E. Aneuploidy screening on uncultured amnyocytes in selected referral groups - A clinical audit. J Obstet Gynecol India [Internet]. 2001 Oct [cited 2009 Mar 28];51(5):56-8. Available from: https://www.gfmer.ch/Presentations_En/Pdf/Aneuploidy_screening.pdf
  8. Maitra N, Patel B, Hazra M. Birth outcomes by birth order and maternal nutritional status. Indian J Matern Child Health. 1995 Jun;6(2):43-5.
  9. Thakor U, Maitra N, Baxi S, Hazra M. Bishop's score and induction of labor in prelabor rupture of membrane. Indian J Matern Child Health. 1995 Mar;6(1):14-6.
  10. Maitra N, Baxi RK, Hazra M. Adolescent sexuality education and sources of information. Indian J Matern Child Health. 1994 Dec;5(4):95-8.
  11. Maitra N, Mani R, Trivedi C, Hazra M. Postabortal sepsis. J Indian Med Assoc. 1994 Aug;92(8):266-7.
  12. Maitra N, Joshi M, Hazra M. Maternal manifestations of malaria in pregnancy: a review. Indian J Matern Child Health. 1993 Dec;4(4):98-101.


Prasmusinto Damar, Indonesia

Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia

Presentation at the training course: The recombinant follicle stimulating hormone : a new alternative for induction of ovulation and treatment of polycystic ovary syndrome


  1. Prasmusinto D, Skrablin S, Fimmers R, van der Ven K. Ethnic differences in the association of factor V Leiden mutation and the C677T methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase gene polymorphism with preeclampsia. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2004 Feb 10;112(2):162-9.
  2. Prasmusinto D, Skrablin S, Hofstaetter C, Fimmers R, van der Ven K. The methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase 677 C-->T polymorphism and preeclampsia in two populations. Obstet Gynecol. 2002 Jun;99(6):1085-92.


Rrumbullaku Llukan, Albania

Department of Family Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Tirana, Tirana, Albania

Presentation at the training course: Semen analysis


  1. Theodorakis PN, Mantzavinis GD, Rrumbullaku L, Lionis C, Trell E. Measuring health inequalities in Albania: a focus on the distribution of general practitioners. Hum Resour Health [Internet]. 2006 [cited 2009 Mar 27];45. Available from: http://www.human-resources-health.com/content/4/1/5
  2. Burazeri G, Roshi E, Tavanxhi N, Rrumbullaku L, Dasho E. Knowledge and attitude of undergraduate students towards sexually transmitted infections in Tirana, Albania. Croat Med J [Internet]. 2003 Feb [cited 2009 Mar 27];44(1):86-91. Available from: http://www.cmj.hr/2003/44/1/12590435.pdf
  3. Rrumbullaku L, Theodorakis PN, Pulluqi P, Lionis C, Trell E. Postgraduate training in family medicine in Albania. Postgrad Med J [Internet]. 2002 May [cited 2009 Mar 27];78(919):308-10. Available from: http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/picrender.fcgi?artid=1742343&blobtype=pdf
  4. Rrumbullaku L, Theodorakis PN, Caca P, Lionis C, Trell E. Medical education in Albania: current situation and perspective, with reference to primary care. Croat Med J [Internet]. 2002 Feb [cited 2009 Mar 27];43(1):50-3. Available from: http://www.cmj.hr/2002/43/1/11828560.pdf
  5. Theodorakis PN, Rrumbullaku L, Glaros D, Lionis C, Trell E. ["Green islands" for primary health care in the Balkan?]. Lakartidningen. 2001 May 30;98(22):2747. Swedish.


Vázquez Niebla Juan Carlos, Cuba

Departamento de Salud Reproductiva, Instituto Nacional de Endocrinologia, La Habana, Cuba

Presentation at the training course: Prevalence of cervical and vaginal infections in pregnant women


  1. Vázquez Niebla JC, Ortiz González C, Ley Ng M, Pérez Penco JM, Calero Ricardo JL. Prevalencia de infecciones cervico-vaginales en embarazadas en un hospital obstétrico de referencia de Ciudad de la Habana. Rev Cubana Obstet Ginecol [Internet]. 2007 Aug [cited 2009 Mar 29];33(2): Available from: http://www.bvs.sld.cu/revistas/gin/vol33_2_07/gin01207.html
  2. Smaill F, Vazquez JC. Antibiotics for asymptomatic bacteriuria in pregnancy. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2007;(2):CD000490.
  3. Vázquez Niebla JC, Vázquez Cabrera J, Rodríguez P. Epidemiología de la rotura prematura de membranas en un hospital ginecoobstétrico. Rev Cubana Obstet Ginecol [Internet]. 2003 Aug [cited 2009 Mar 29];29(2): Available from: http://www.bvs.sld.cu/revistas/gin/vol29_2_03/gin03203.htm
  4. Vázquez Niebla JC, Hernández Hernández Y, Farnot Cardoso U. Caracterización de la madre del recien nacido con crecimiento intrauterino retardado. Rev Cubana Obstet Ginecol [Internet]. 2003 Aug [cited 2009 Mar 29];29(2): Available from: http://www.bvs.sld.cu/revistas/gin/vol29_2_03/gin04203.htm
  5. Vázquez Niebla JC, Vázquez Cabrera J, Febles VJ. Eficacia de la estimación del peso fetal por ultrasonido para la predicción del bajo peso al nacer. Rev Cubana Obstet Ginecol [Internet]. 2003 Apr [cited 2009 Mar 29];29(1): Available from: http://www.bvs.sld.cu/revistas/gin/vol29_1_03/gin06103.htm
  6. Vázquez Niebla JC, Vázquez Cabrera J, Namfantche J. Asociación entre la hipertensión arterial durante el embarazo, bajo peso al nacer y algunos resultados del embarazo y el parto. Rev Cubana Obstet Ginecol [Internet]. 2003 Apr [cited 2009 Mar 29];29(1): Available from: http://www.bvs.sld.cu/revistas/gin/vol29_1_03/gin05103.htm
  7. Vazquez JC, Villar J. Treatments for symptomatic urinary tract infections during pregnancy. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2003;(4):CD002256.